Using new data with NuPIC

I have some new data (it’s EKG data) that I want to try to swarm over and then have a plot of the data with actual and predicted values, basically what the HotGym demo does.

What should I do to run it? Menorah is good at running new data on NuPIC, but it all has to be on River View, right? So what should I do about that?

Basically the data looks like this (after it was converted to a txt format using Matlab):


And another concern of mine: I think it’s obvious that the EKG data was taken with increasing time, but does NuPIC require me to explicitly tell it some time unit in the data?

We have lots of tutorials and code examples, Menorah being one of them. You should dive in and start writing code. Maybe start with a code example and try to replace it with your data in the correct format.

No, just keep the data in sequence.