This is one of a list of projects; these are the current areas where I am making drawings and assembling notes:
the lizard brain from the tip of the toe through to the forebrain with details of the lizard brain command structures.
the interaction between the lizard brain and the cortex. Lots of drawings needed here. This also gets heavily into the counterflow of information back down towards the sensory streams.
the capture and formation of semantic content from the sensory stream through to the temporal lobe. This involves considerably more on the WHAT and WHERE streams.
The formation and properties of the Global Workspace.
The various functions of the mix of neuron morphologies in the cortex with inter-structure connections and likely resulting functions.
I have ideas how I want to expose my thoughts on these areas. Many of these concepts do not seem to have a good visual component and I am still working out how to present them in an approachable way.
I can try to bump the project labeled WWALD (What Would A LIzard Do?) towards the top of the list but this will still take a while - day job and all that.
As you may have noticed - I have been cleaning up the first draft of the HTML Columns into Grids! post as I compare it to my notes and see the bits I missed. It’s up to 64 edits at this moment and I still am going through stacks of notes to compare what I put down with what I have been thinking; I keep finding bits that I feel are important that had completely slipped my mind when I started typing.
BTW - a lot of the bits and pieces have already been posted in a preliminary form on this forum in scattered posts. If you don’t want to wait you can see an outline of where I am going with this stuff.