How I Painlessly Installed NUPIC with Conda on Ubuntu

So this weekend I binge watched HTM school and got hooked. I wanted to give back to the community and it seemed like there was interest on using conda to install nupic but nobody on the team had experience with it. I wanted to get started running some code but wanted to use conda to help keep nupic in an isolated environment because I use python 3.7 for everything else. So I converted the requirements.txt and install instructions into an environment.yml file so a separate conda nupic environment could be created easily.

Ubuntu Version 18.04.2 LTS

  1. Git Clone
  2. cd nupic
  3. paste this environment.yml file in the root
  4. conda env create -f environment.yml
  5. conda activate nupic
  6. pip install nupic

The end.

Hope this helps reduce some barriers to entry to HTMs for the conda crowd.

Note: I added some extra packages like jupyter, matplotlib. In a conda environment you will need to install these packages even if you already have them installed in a different python installation, that’s because the conda environment is walled off from everything else and only installs and runs things within it. So don’t be surprised if you follow my install steps and a package you normally use says module not installed now. That just means you need to install it into the environment. To do that:

  1. make sure your nupic environment is activated with: conda activate nupic
  2. with your environment active run conda install <package-you-want>
  3. if it can’t find your package, then go to and search for your package, usually you’ll be able to find an installation channel like so: conda install -c conda-forge pandas
  4. if you still can’t find the package but you know it’s in pip, you can just pip install it (again with your conda environment activated!!) The downside is when you pip install things into your environment conda can’t manage all the dependencies for you, which is why i always try to find a conda install version first before going to pip install

Seriously it is that easy? :joy:

Thanks a bunch! I’ll check this out when I get back.

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Let me know if you have any issues. Happy to help troubleshoot. My environment file takes advantage of the ability to use pip within a self contained conda environment rather than a global pip.

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Welcome @Whamp and nice work! I wonder if this could solve the issue I’m having trying to implement NuPIC in a production system that’s in 3.7. I don’t suppose you have any intuitions about getting around that blocker? I come across one repo by @chhenning to make NuPIC work in python 3, so maybe that’s the simplest thing to try. I know very little about these kinds of compatibility problems, so if there were a relatively simple work-around I’d be grateful to find it lol. Thanks

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If you have the ability to install anaconda or miniconda in production system then yes i think this will work. My system python is 3.7 but you can run any version of python you want within a conda environment without infecting any other code or environment.

You would just need to download the installer from here and then run this in the terminal to install:
(change to the file below to the exact version of miniconda or anaconda you downloaded)

more general anaconda install instructions can be found here and are very helpful for customizing your use case:

Info on installing conda on a system that already has other python installations:

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This was incredible! I was having a ton of issues and your post made this work. Thank you for sharing!


Is it possible to put all this stuff in a docker container? I’m working on it but I’m having some trouble…

I know, but I’m trying to use nupic under jupyter, with no success so far…

I am having some issues while trying to set up nupic in Anaconda. I believe it is due to compatibility issues with the package. The package isn’t even getting created. My system is Windows 10. I am mentioning my output to β€œconda env create -f environment.yml” command:
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: -
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort.
Building graph of deps: 0%| | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]\Examining numpy=1.12.1: 12%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ– | 2/16 [00:18<02:09, 9.25s/it]-Examining ipywidgets: 25%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Ž | 4/16 [00:29<01:17, 6.50s/it]\Examining conflict for numpy matplotlib: 19%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‰ | 3/16 [00:05<00:13, 1.03s/it]/Examining conflict for ipykernel matplotlib jupyter_client: 75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 12/16 [00:13<00:03, 1.05it/s]|Examining conflict for jupyter jupyter_core ipython_genutils ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: 100%|β–ˆ| 16/16/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 18it [00:17, Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 19it [00:17, Examining conflict for jupyter_console ipython ipykernel ipywidgets: : 19it [00:18, 1.74it/s] Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 21it [00:19, 1.39it/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 22it [00:19, 1.65it/Examining conflict for jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 22it [00:20, 1.65it/s] Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 26it [00:21, 2.40it/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 27it [00:21, 2.97it/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 27it [00:21, 2.97it/s] failed
Solving environment:
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages.
This can take several minutes. Press CTRL-C to abort.
Examining jupyter_console: 44%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–Œ | 7/16 [01:12<01:54, 12.70s/it]/Examining setuptools: 75%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ | 12/16 [02:10<00:35, 8.92s/it]-Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 18it [00:28, Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 19it [00:28, Examining conflict for jupyter_console ipython ipykernel ipywidgets: : 19it [00:29, 1.15s/it] Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 21it [00:31, 1.07s/iExamining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 22it [00:31, 1.16it/Examining conflict for jupyter_core ipython ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 22it [00:31, 1.16it/s] Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 26it [00:33, 1.65it/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter jupyter_core ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 27it [00:33, 2.07it/Examining conflict for jupyter_console jupyter ipykernel ipywidgets jupyter_client: : 27it [00:33, 2.07it/s] failed

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other:

Output in format: Requested package -> Available versions

Package openssl conflicts for:
pip -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
ipython -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
jupyter_console -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
jupyter -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a’]
setuptools -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
ipykernel -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a’]
ipython_genutils -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a’]
ipywidgets -> python -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
matplotlib -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
wheel -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a’]
jupyter_core -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]
jupyter_client -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> openssl[version=’>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1b,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1c,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1d,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1e,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1f,<1.1.2a|>=1.1.1g,<1.1.2a’]

Package pywin32 conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client -> pywin32[version=’>=1.0’]
jupyter_client -> pywin32[version=’>=1.0’]
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> pywin32[version=’>=1.0’]
jupyter_core -> pywin32[version=’>=1.0’]

Package pip conflicts for:
jupyter_core -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> pip
ipykernel -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> pip
python=2.7 -> pip
ipywidgets -> python -> pip
numpy=1.12.1 -> python[version=’>=2.7,<2.8.0a0’] -> pip
jupyter -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> pip
jupyter_console -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> pip
wheel -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> pip
jupyter_client -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> pip
matplotlib -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> pip
ipython_genutils -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> pip
setuptools -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> pip
ipython -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> pip

Package certifi conflicts for:
ipykernel -> tornado[version=’>=4.2’] -> certifi
wheel -> setuptools -> certifi[version=’>=2016.09|>=2016.9.26’]
setuptools -> certifi[version=’>=2016.09|>=2016.9.26’]
jupyter_client -> tornado[version=’>=4.1’] -> certifi
matplotlib -> setuptools -> certifi[version=’>=2016.09|>=2016.9.26’]
ipython -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’] -> certifi[version=’>=2016.09|>=2016.9.26’]
pip -> setuptools -> certifi[version=’>=2016.09|>=2016.9.26|>=2017.4.17’]

Package python-dateutil conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client -> python-dateutil[version=’>=2.1’]
matplotlib -> python-dateutil
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> python-dateutil[version=’>=2.1’]
jupyter_client -> python-dateutil[version=’>=2.1’]

Package numpy conflicts for:
matplotlib -> numpy[version=β€˜1.10.|1.11.|>=1.14.6,<2.0a0’]
matplotlib -> matplotlib-base==3.1.0=py36h3e3dc42_0 -> numpy[version=’>=1.11.3,<2.0a0’]

Package vc conflicts for:
python=2.7 -> sqlite[version=’>=3.30.1,<4.0a0’] -> vc[version=β€˜14.|>=14,<15.0a0|>=14.1,<15.0a0’]
numpy=1.12.1 -> python[version=’>=2.7,<2.8.0a0’] -> vc[version=’>=14,<15.0a0|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=9,<10.0a0’]
ipykernel -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
setuptools -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=14,<15.0a0|9.|>=9,<10.0a0’]
matplotlib -> vc[version='14.
clangdev -> libxml2[version=’>=2.9.8,<2.10.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
ipython -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
jupyter_core -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=14,<15.0a0|9.|>=9,<10.0a0’]
ipython_genutils -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
ipywidgets -> python -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|9.|>=14,<15.0a0|>=9,<10.0a0’]
python=2.7 -> vc[version='9.
pip -> python[version=’>=3.7,<3.8.0a0’] -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=14,<15.0a0|9.|>=9,<10.0a0’]
wheel -> python[version=’>=3.6,<3.7.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
jupyter_client -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=14,<15.0a0|9.|>=9,<10.0a0’]
jupyter -> python[version=’>=3.8,<3.9.0a0’] -> vc[version='10.
clangdev -> vc[version=β€˜14.|>=14,<15.0a0|>=14.1,<15.0a0’]
matplotlib -> pyqt -> vc[version='10|10.
numpy=1.12.1 -> vc[version=β€˜14.|9.’]
jupyter_console -> python[version=’>=3.5’] -> vc[version=β€˜10.|14.|>=14.1,<15.0a0|>=14,<15.0a0|9.*|>=9,<10.0a0’]

Package ipython_genutils conflicts for:
ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1’] -> ipython_genutils
jupyter_core -> traitlets -> ipython_genutils
jupyter_client -> traitlets -> ipython_genutils
ipython -> traitlets[version=’>=4.2’] -> ipython_genutils
jupyter -> notebook -> ipython_genutils
ipywidgets -> nbformat[version=’>=4.2.0’] -> ipython_genutils

Package traitlets conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1|>=4.2’]
ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1’]
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.5.1’] -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1|>=4.2|>=4.3’]
jupyter_client -> traitlets
jupyter_core -> traitlets
ipython -> traitlets[version=’>=4.2’]
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> traitlets[version=’>=4.2’]
ipywidgets -> traitlets[version=’>=4.2.1|>=4.3.1|>=4.3.1,<5.0.0’]
jupyter -> ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1|>=4.3.1,<5.0.0|>=4.3.1|>=4.2.1|>=4.2|>=4.3’]

Package jupyter_core conflicts for:
jupyter -> nbconvert -> jupyter_core[version=’>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0|>=4.6.1’]
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version=’>=4.6.0’]
ipywidgets -> nbformat[version=’>=4.2.0’] -> jupyter_core[version=’>=4.4.0|>=4.6.0|>=4.6.1’]
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version=’>=4.6.0’]
jupyter_client -> jupyter_core[version=’>=4.6.0’]

Package wincertstore conflicts for:
wheel -> setuptools -> wincertstore[version=’>=0.2’]
setuptools -> wincertstore[version=’>=0.2’]
matplotlib -> setuptools -> wincertstore[version=’>=0.2’]
pip -> setuptools -> wincertstore[version=’>=0.2’]
ipython -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’] -> wincertstore[version=’>=0.2’]

Package decorator conflicts for:
ipython -> decorator
ipywidgets -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0’] -> decorator
jupyter_console -> ipython -> decorator
jupyter_core -> traitlets -> decorator
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> decorator
jupyter_client -> traitlets -> decorator

Package six conflicts for:
ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1’] -> six
jupyter_console -> prompt_toolkit[version=’>=2.0.0,<3.1.0,!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1’] -> six[version=’>=1.9.0’]
matplotlib -> cycler[version=’>=0.10’] -> six[version=’>=1.5’]
ipython -> prompt_toolkit[version=’>=2.0.0,<4,!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1’] -> six[version=’>=1.9.0’]
jupyter_core -> traitlets -> six
jupyter_client -> python-dateutil[version=’>=2.1’] -> six[version=’>=1.5’]
ipywidgets -> traitlets[version=’>=4.3.1,<5.0.0’] -> six
pip -> html5lib -> six[version=’>=1.9’]

Package python_abi conflicts for:
setuptools -> python_abi[version=β€˜3.6.|3.8.|3.7.’,build=’_cp36m|_cp38|_cp37m’]
wheel -> setuptools -> python_abi[version=β€˜3.6.|3.8.|3.7.’,build=’_cp36m|_cp38|_cp37m’]
pip -> setuptools -> python_abi[version=β€˜2.7.|3.6.|3.8.|3.7.’,build=’_cp27m|_cp36m|_cp38|_cp37m’]
jupyter_console -> ipykernel -> python_abi[version=β€˜3.6.|3.7.|3.8.’,build=’_cp38|_cp37m|_cp36m’]
ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1’] -> python_abi=2.7[build=_cp27m]
ipython -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’] -> python_abi=2.7[build=
jupyter -> ipykernel -> python_abi[version=β€˜3.6.|3.7.|3.8.’,build=’_cp38|_cp37m|_cp36m’]
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.5.1’] -> python_abi[version=β€˜2.7.|3.6.|3.7.|3.8.’,build=’_cp38|_cp37m|_cp36m|_cp27m’]
setuptools -> certifi[version=’>=2016.9.26’] -> python_abi=2.7[build=_cp27m]
ipykernel -> python_abi[version='3.6.
jupyter_core -> python_abi[version='2.7.
jupyter_client -> entrypoints -> python_abi[version='2.7.
ipython -> python_abi[version='3.6.
matplotlib -> pyqt -> python_abi[version='2.7.

Package ipykernel conflicts for:
jupyter -> ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.1|>=4.2.2|>=4.5.1’]
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.2.2|>=4.5.1’]
jupyter -> ipykernel
jupyter_console -> ipykernel

Package colorama conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> ipython -> colorama
ipython -> colorama
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> colorama
ipywidgets -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0’] -> colorama
python=2.7 -> pip -> colorama
pip -> colorama

Package ipywidgets conflicts for:
jupyter -> ipywidgets

Package setuptools conflicts for:
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’]
ipython -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’]
wheel -> setuptools
python=2.7 -> pip -> setuptools
ipython -> pygments -> setuptools
ipywidgets -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0’] -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’]
matplotlib -> setuptools
jupyter_console -> ipython -> setuptools[version=’>=18.5’]

Package wheel conflicts for:
python=2.7 -> pip -> wheel

Package jupyter_client conflicts for:
jupyter -> ipykernel -> jupyter_client[version=’>=4.1|>=4.2|>=5.3.4|>=5.3.1|>=5.2.0’]
ipykernel -> jupyter_client
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.5.1’] -> jupyter_client[version=’>=5.2.0|>=5.3.1|>=5.3.4’]
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client

Package jedi conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> ipython -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’]
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=5.0’] -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’]
ipython -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’]
ipywidgets -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0’] -> jedi[version=’>=0.10’]

Package ipython conflicts for:
jupyter -> ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0|>=4.0|>=5.0’]
ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0|>=4.0|>=5.0’]
ipywidgets -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0’]
jupyter_console -> ipykernel -> ipython[version=’>=4.0.0|>=4.0|>=5.0’]
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.5.1’] -> ipython[version=’>=4.0|>=5.0’]
jupyter_console -> ipython

Package tornado conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> ipykernel -> tornado[version=’>=4.0|>=4.2|>=4.1|>=4.1,<6’]
jupyter -> ipykernel -> tornado[version=’>=4,<6|>=4|>=4.0|>=4.2|>=5.0|>=5.0,<7|>=4.1,<7’]
ipykernel -> tornado[version=’>=4.0|>=4.2’]
matplotlib -> tornado
ipywidgets -> ipykernel[version=’>=4.5.1’] -> tornado[version=’>=4,<6|>=4|>=4.0|>=4.2|>=5.0|>=5.0,<7|>=4.1,<7’]
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> tornado[version=’>=4.1|>=4.1,<6’]
jupyter_client -> tornado[version=’>=4.1|>=4.1,<6’]

Package pyqt conflicts for:
jupyter -> qtconsole -> pyqt[version=β€˜4.11.|5.6.|>=5.6.0,<5.7.0a0|>=5.9.2,<5.10.0a0’]
matplotlib -> pyqt[version=β€˜4.11.|5.|5.6.|5.9.|>=5.6,<6.0a0|>=5.9.2,<5.10.0a0|>=5.12.3,<5.13.0a0|>=5.6.0,<5.7.0a0’]

Package zlib conflicts for:
python=2.7 -> sqlite[version=’>=3.30.1,<4.0a0’] -> zlib[version=’>=1.2.11,<1.3.0a0’]
matplotlib -> zlib[version=’>=1.2.11,<1.3.0a0’]
matplotlib -> libpng[version=’>=1.6.34,<1.7.0a0’] -> zlib[version=β€˜1.2.|1.2.11|1.2.8’]
clangdev -> llvmdev==9.0.1 -> zlib[version='1.2.

Package requests conflicts for:
pip -> requests
python=2.7 -> pip -> requests

Package ssl_match_hostname conflicts for:
jupyter_client -> tornado[version=’>=4.1’] -> ssl_match_hostname
matplotlib -> tornado -> ssl_match_hostname
ipykernel -> tornado[version=’>=4.2’] -> ssl_match_hostname

Package entrypoints conflicts for:
ipykernel -> jupyter_client -> entrypoints
jupyter_console -> jupyter_client -> entrypoints
jupyter -> nbconvert -> entrypoints[version=’>=0.2.2’]
jupyter_client -> entrypoints

Package wcwidth conflicts for:
jupyter_console -> prompt_toolkit[version=’>=2.0.0,<3.1.0,!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1’] -> wcwidth
ipython -> prompt_toolkit[version=’>=2.0.0,<4,!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1’] -> wcwidth

Package pyparsing conflicts for:
pip -> packaging -> pyparsing[version=’>=2.0.2’]
matplotlib -> pyparsing

Package backports conflicts for:
matplotlib -> backports.functools_lru_cache -> backports
ipython -> backports.shutil_get_terminal_size -> backports

Package enum34 conflicts for:
ipywidgets -> traitlets[version=’>=4.3.1,<5.0.0’] -> enum34
jupyter_client -> traitlets -> enum34
ipykernel -> traitlets[version=’>=4.1’] -> enum34
jupyter_core -> traitlets -> enum34
ipython -> traitlets[version=’>=4.2’] -> enum34

Package jupyter_console conflicts for:
jupyter -> jupyter_console
jupyter_consoleThe following specifications were found to be incompatible with your CUDA driver:

  • feature:/win-64::__cuda==9.1=0
  • feature:|@/win-64::__cuda==9.1=0

Your installed CUDA driver is: 9.1

Would be grateful if you can help me out with this!

I set this up under Linux, not Windows 10, so your mileage may vary. But I found that I had to copy and modify the file environment.yml. This is the file i used: myenv.yml with the following content:

So I would run the following command:
conda env create -f myenv.yml

I suggest using the htm.core library ( which is a port of the Nupic library for Python 3. It supports Linux, OSx and Windows 10. It is tested using standard Python but Anaconda should run as well (See

Thanks a lot!