Another option if your second computer is running the Docker daemon, would be to run NuPIC in a container. Of course if Docker is not already running on the second computer, you’d have to install it without internet access (which is probably not any easier than installing NuPIC without internet…)
Anyway, the basic idea would be – On a Linux computer with internet access, first download the NuPIC docker image:
docker pull numenta/nupic
Then save the image to a file:
docker save -o nupic_image.docker numenta/nupic
Then transfer the nupic_image.docker file over to the second computer, and load it:
docker load nupic_image.docker
NuPIC will then be available to run from the image. Basically just plug the docker run command and flags before the command you want to execute in the container, such as:
docker run -it --rm numenta/nupic [command]
Another option might be building NuPIC from source. However, that could be a bit tedious to get any missing dependencies on there though (Building NuPIC.Core, NuPIC, and dependencies requires libtool, autoconf, cmake, cython, setuptools, wheel, numpy, capnproto, and pycapnp for example, and some of those have specific version requirements). I have some experience with installing NuPIC on the Raspberry PI, so might be able to help if you decide to go that route (and there are others who have installed from source on the specific OS you want to run on).