Message from Numenta CEO Donna Dubinsky regarding Matt Taylor

To the Numenta community:

It is with great sadness that I am writing you with the news that Matt Taylor, our open source community manager, passed away yesterday in his sleep. While we are still waiting to understand what happened, his death was sudden and unexpected (COVID-19 is not currently suspected). Matt’s wife and two school-age children are devastated, as are all of us at Numenta.

Matt was a vital force at Numenta. He joined us because of his passion for our work, and that passion never wavered. He took it upon himself to make his personal mission one of explaining our theories to developers and the general community. He built a vibrant and active on-line community. He was constantly proposing new ideas, whether starting a podcast, creating animations, or live-streaming our research meetings.

We have opened a tribute website here for those of you who would like to pay your respects to Matt. I know his family would be grateful for your comments and memories.

Matt would be the first to remind you to savor every day.

Donna Dubinsky
CEO, Numenta


… what???

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I’m so sorry for having to deliver such tragic news in this way. It’s a terrible loss that we’re all still trying to process.


How devastating is this news… I couldn’t find the right words. My thoughts go to his family and friends.

Thank you Matt for all your work, your never-ending enthusiasm, your benevolence towards us, and also your support during the last months. You built and fostered a whole community who will never forget you.


I am in complete shock reading this, it’s tragic beyond words and unimaginable for his family and friends.

What Matt built here has been part of my daily routine for years, he was such an amazing educator and community leader.


Matt was a friend I never had the pleasure to meet in person but we met in discussing ideas here and making things. Who infuenced me, and the whole community standing here now. You did a lot for the world, making it better, Matt.
Condolences to the family. You are missed, friend.


I can’t believe this. This feels unreal. Why? Why?

I’m just back from a 2 hours long walk. I feel numb. I feel lost.

I don’t understand. I hardly knew Matt and yet it feels like I lost one of my best friends. He was such a great guy.

I can’t start to imagine how his family must feel right now. I feel for them. I feel for us all. What a loss.

Why did this have to happen?


I’m very sad to hear this. I really liked Matt, though our interactions were few.

Strength to his family and to his friends at Numenta as well.


WHAT!?! How could this happen??

This brings me to tears. How horrific and shocking, and incredibly hard to fathom.

Matt was a truly kind, creative and brilliant man.

He was a great scientist, engineer and teacher, and must have been a spectacular father.

If it’s appropriate I am very curious what happened to such a happy and seemingly healthy young man.

I owe so much to Matt, and will miss him very much.


Rest in peace, Matt. You brought people together with your warmth and passion. You will be missed.

Condolences to the family.


A tragic loss. Matt had an incredible impact on more people than he ever could have imagined.
Condolences to his family.

Tom Garben


It seemed like we had so much time then suddenly Matt’s ended.

I wish I knew how precious our time really was, did more to make the best of what little remained.

My condolences to everyone who will not be the same without him.

RIP Matt. May the only thing we ever know is life, and you’re there for us as we hoped we were for you, again, when our lifetime is up too…


This is a shocking and truly sad news. RIP Matt, your work was truly important. So much respect for him.


He was so excited about your e-book. He told me last week he was planning on doing more livestreams on it.


We’re not exactly sure what happened, other than he died in his sleep sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning. The coroner believes it may have been related to some prior health issues that were viewed to be minor but were being monitored.

As you said, incredibly hard to fathom. It’s such a huge loss.


Matt was always so kind and nice to everyone. I still can’t believe this happened…
May he rest in peace.


Thank you @cmaver for sharing all you know about his condition.

This is so depressing regardless of exactly what happened, such a devastating loss.

Matt was the perfect guy to manage the community. Besides his great knowledge and skill as an educator he made it feel really welcoming here.


Matt was really fun and patient and made this somewhat dry and often difficult abstract world into an experience that would keep even a kid’s attention span. That’s not easy a true teacher. 10 days younger than me I’m really sorry.


Wait what!? This is so sudden and unexpected. Matt was such a great person and the perfect one for the job.

I can only wish he had found the knowledge we are all after somewhere not on earth.


This is so sad, words are not enough. I already missed @rhyolight 's online presence.