NuPIC Failed to import capnp on Windows

I am working with NuPIC , I success to installing and running different algorithms and model via the framework.
But when I try to save my training model , I received error , after investigation I found the reason for failing in the saving process was error on import capnp package .
So my question is , how I install the capnp on my computer (need to install vs ?) , Also when I try to install pycapnp I received different errors (I realy need to install pycapnp??, Or thier other solution)

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pycapnp just does not work very well (if at all) under windows.
I suggest that you try the htm-community version of NuPIC.

After downloading the repository, double click startupMSVC.bat
This will configure Visual Studio 2017. After starting MSVC you can build the C++ library.
The Capn Proto modules are not needed.

If you then want to work with Python, (Python2.7 or Python3.x) you need to do the
following with your flavor of Python:

python install --user --force

This will build and install the Nupic extensions for python. Then you are ready to use
your python apps. See the for more details.

The .py code in is not all converted to Python3 yet.
The .py code in is in the process of being converted so mileage may very.

We would be interested in your experiances. Please post comments to issues at

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Running community fork on Windows