NuPIC installation incomplete?

I have successfully installed NuPIC via “pip install nupic” on my Windows 7 machine. The installation finished with the message
“Successfully installed nupic-1.0.5 nupic.bindings-1.0.6”

The only files I can find are under

However, this is only the stuff located under “nupic/src/nupic” in the github repo. Where is everything else, e.g. the tests, examples and scripts which are located in the repo under “nupic/examples”, “nupic/tests” and “nupic/scripts”, respectively?

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Tests and examples are not installed with the binaries. You have to check out that code to run it.

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I’m using windows 7 like you and a month ago I installed nupic, you must have follow those steps created by @rhyolight (Matt Taylor) and also you must change the variable :


Right, install git and clone the repository, or just download a zipped file with the source code from Github. With NuPIC already installed, you should be able to run the unit tests in the repo, just follow the README to run tests.


The binaries are installed under “C.\Python27\Lib\site-packages\nupic”. I cloned the repo into “F:\DATEN\git-repos\nupic”. Running “py.test tests/unit” from that location results in the output below. All errors seem to be caused by missing modules. How can I fix this?

============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 2.7.15, pytest-3.0.7, py-1.6.0, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: F:\DATEN\git-repos\nupic, inifile:
plugins: xdist-1.16.0, cov-2.5.0
collected 478 items / 46 errors

=================================== ERRORS ====================================
__ ERROR collecting tests/unit/nupic/algorithms/ ___
ImportError while importing test module 'F:\DATEN\git-repos\nupic\tests\unit\nupic\algorithms\'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
tests\unit\nupic\algorithms\ in <module>
    from nupic.algorithms.cla_classifier_diff import CLAClassifierDiff
E   ImportError: No module named cla_classifier_diff
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You are using. The wrong version of the code. It look really old. You need the latest version of the source code.

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Well, I cloned it from the github repo ( How is that too old?

Where can I find the latest version if not there?

Never mind. I just synced the clone and now it works.

There are plenty of runtime errors though:
24 failed, 641 passed, 63 skipped, 5 pytest-warnings, 10 error in 197.14 seconds

Is this to be expected?

I don’t think so. Just ran my tests today and I got the following;

================================================================== 715 passed, 17 skipped, 8 xfailed, 5 pytest-warnings in 400.81 seconds ==================================================================
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There should be no failed tests. Which ones failed? Skipped tests are expected.

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